A couple of weeks ago, I participated in an online event for
entrepreneurs called 2016 Planathon. All of us who joined got great tips,
tricks and challenges for how to plan for our businesses in 2016. This morning
I took some time to plan out the next few weeks for how I am going to implement
some of what I learned so I can hit the ground running with a plan in 2016.
I'll share my thoughts and my plans in a blog post soon so look out for that.
Anyway, Planathon basically consisted of 25 videos created by various professionals with small businesses sharing their insights for ten minutes or less. Each video ended with a challenge. All of this took place over a period of five days in a facebook group set up specifically to host this event. The hostess of the planathon, Amber McCue, explained the overall concept and how the first days videos built the framework and from their we could pick and choose which videos we wanted to watch depending on our goals for the next year.
The first five videos taught how to pick your focus for the next year and then your goals for the first 90 days. For me, my
areas to focus on are image, systems, marketing and sales. I had planned to open Excelsior Events this year but had no plan for how to achieve that goal. Now I've moved it back to March 21st, 2016. Since that's roughly 90 days into 2016, I'll keep that date as my official launch date.
A lot of the videos were focused on topics for people already in business. And I'll keep those in mind for my etsy business but I think I've got a good momentum going for that already. So I focused on what could help me launch a brand new business. Remember this entire event was set up to help one plan out their next year. One video was Plan to Launch by Farideh who happens to be a musician. Who knows better about launches? The most important thing to do for a launch, she said, was to schedule it and then talk about it. Tell people about it over and over. Have blogs and other sites talking about it and leading potential customers to you and whatever it is you are launching. So I'll be doing that for the next few months as well as actually getting ready to launch.
Another great video for me was How to Sell Your Products and Services by Yasmine Khater. It had three important points: 1. Understand what your clients want, 2. Price your solution to hit your income targets, and 3. Make sure to be in front of enough people to get leads. For me, I think it was the last two days that held the most helpful videos. With tips like tracking my time, creating written systems for how I do things, figuring out why I am doing this business, getting clear on my identity, image and voice and having that always in front of me. Also, how to take confident actions and make confident decisions.
All of these videos are fairly short; no longer then 15 minutes, and they are very straightforward. No one is giving you THE solution to all your problem but key tools to help you help yourself. And of course they are just enough that you might sign up for more with any or all of the experts involved. Which I can't fault them for, this is a perfect example for lead generation.

These videos come at a great time for me while writing my 2nd business plan draft. At this time, I have been tracking how much time it takes me to do regular tasks so that I can schedule things better. I have also been doing some of challenges from the Take Confident Action by Rachel Luna and Grow Your Business and Life by Katie Den Ouden videos where it comes to scheduling my plan. Doing weekly check-ins and my top 3 daily priorities for each goal I have. I plan to next work on my vision board for my life and Excelsior Events.
Taking things one day at a time rather than thinking about a 5 year or even 1 year plan is better for me. Its less overwhelming and therefore less anxiety and disappointment. And also less procrastination.
If anyone is interested in learning more about the 2016 Planathon. Feel free to join the Facebook group here. All the videos and ongoing conversations will be available for a year the hostess assures us.
Happy planning,
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