Hola everyone. Today I want to talk about the Miracle Morning. This is essentially a morning routine. Routines are formed by a series of habits. Now we all know habits can run the spectrum from good to bad or anywhere in between. But I've found that purposefully creating habits and routines that have an end goal can be beneficial.
The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8am) is a book and a system. It is a specific type of morning routine created by Hal Elrod. It stems from the basic premise that we all want to make changes in our lives but we constantly come up with excuses not to. These excuses are often valid but they are workable. And often the changes we want to make in our lives are similar. Meaning they fall into categories.
So Hal started recommending this system that he does called the Life S.A.V.E.R.S. that he does every morning. Each letter in savers stands for a different part of the the Miracle Morning routine. And doing it first thing in the morning took care of some of the bigger issues many of us run into. Finding time in our day to work on our self development and being too tired or worn out to work on ourselves.
Why morning? You've slept well, rested your mind, body and spirit. Hopefully. If not, wait for my evening routine post. But when you first wake for the day ideally you are at your best. Or maybe after you pee and have a glass of water first, but you get my drift. But you haven't gone through the drudgery of the day. You haven't run down your energy yet. So ,why not start working on yourself then?
So on to the Life S.A.V.E.R.S.
The first S is for Silence. Take a moment to just be. Sit in silence or silence your thoughts. Don't start your day stressed and worried. But calm and relaxed.
A is for Affirmations. Not those general ones, though if those work for you keep doing them. But specific affirmations. Tell yourself of what you want to accomplish and why, specifically. Then say what's your plan to do so.
V stands for Visualization. Visualize yourself achieving your goal or how your life would be after you have done so. Another way is to visualize the journey or process of how you will get there. See yourself feeling happy and enjoying the future you are currently working towards.
E is for Exercise. Whatever level you are at and whatever that means to you. Do it every morning. Exercise gets the blood flowing which wakes your brain up and gives you more energy. This leads to a more productive day. Also improving our physical health via exercise is high on many people's list for self development.
R stands for Reading. We read to educate ourselves but also as motivation or entertainment. Now you have time to read those books you've been meaning to. Read how others have improved their own lives to motivate yourself. Read to improve your knowledge on interesting subjects. Read to learn how to do that thing you've always wanted to.
And the last S is for Scribing, which is basically writing. Hal's way of completing the acronym, lol. Journal, blog, write letters, pen that book or manual you always wanted to. Writing gets our thoughts out of our heads. Its a good expressive habit to have.
Hal also says you can add to this list by including tasks specific to you and your goals that may not already be encompassed. But no more than 2-3 additional ones. You don't want your morning routine to take all day. Also, start slow if you are new to all of this. 5 minutes each is a good suggested start. It may not seem like much but you are starting new habits and routines. Hell, you can even do it all in 6 minutes. Plus you can always increase the amount of time later.
These activities are open to interpretation and you can combine some. Yoga for example can and does encompass both exercise and silence as it has a meditative element. While reading you can take notes or jot down your thoughts and feelings to take care of writing as well. And they don't have to be done in the order listed. Do them in whatever order you want.

Its a lot but you are worth working on. You have to and deserve to take care of you first. Knowing you are improving your life or changing it so that you can be happier and healthier instead of always putting off what you want should also gain support from your friends and family. One or more of them may even join you. Working out with a buddy is often the best thing to keep you on track. The same applies here. And if you can't find someone you know to join you, I am happy to do so. But there is also the Miracle Morning Facebook group. You can join for motivation and to find a buddy to wake up with.
So that is the Miracle Morning. You can find out more by checking out Hal Elrod's book series. The original plus all those focused on certain lifestyles like entrepreneurs or parents. There is also the website which has some free downloads to help get you started and Hal's podcast.
I hope you found this helpful. However, getting up early in the morning to be active often relies on having a restful night and a good night routine. I'll talk about my night time routine soon in another post.
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