Last time I talked about
salt and its practical uses. Now let's talk about its spiritual and magical associations and uses. Salt is literally from the earth. All kinds. The one we are most used to is sifted directly from water; the world's oceans and seas are full of salt. There are also tons of salt deposits from dried up seas. Basically the water evaporated long ago and left the salt behind.
Saltiness is one of the fundamental taste sensations every human being has. Rock salt is mined from underground. Salt is also naturally occurring in most meats and even in the human body. So as you can sea salt is a natural element to life on the planet earth. Naturally occurring salt crystals (sea salt, table salt, rock salt) come from the earth. Hence its association with the element of earth.
Many witches and other types of pagans use salt to represent the element of earth in their rites and rituals. Earth is seen as grounding, strength and stability. So you can use salt for rituals or magical intent you need one of the above. Such as for meditations, spirit walking, visions or divination. It is also good to help you focus on increasing your own strength and stability.

Baking soda is a chemically altered salt. It is often used to put out fires or kill bugs, as well as a leavening agent. You can use it in rituals or magic where you want protection or to grow something. Some examples are a protection circle or protection against the negativity of others. Or if you would like to magically assist your business in growing.
Lastly, Epsom salt, aka magnesium sulfate, is another salt often used. Particularly in baths. This salt is said to release aches and pains. Epsom salt is used for skin inflammations and small infections. It also is often used on the soil of plants that really like magnesium such as roses, tomatoes and peppers. Therefore this salt would be good to use in rites where your intent is to feed or grow something in your life like a good habit. And of course it makes a good addition to any ritual bath letting you detox and relax before focusing on your ritual or baths intent.
That's why I add it to all
Scarlet Moon Creations bath soaks. So try some out and see what you think. All of these salts are fairly inexpensive and easy to get so why not use them in a ritual one day soon and tell me how it went.