A personal look at the trails and triumphs of creating. Creating a business, creating a Sacred Self Care practice and creating your authentic self.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Intro to Essential Oils
I've talked about aromatherapy before but what about essential oils? Essential oils are the backbone if aromatherapy. And the foundation of Scarlet Moon Creations.
But what are essential oils? How are they made? What are the different types? How can they be used? What are some warnings or things to look out for when you use them? And how can you use them in your magic or rituals?
I answer all of those questions in detail in the video below because there's a lot to talk about. Enjoy!!
Friday, November 16, 2018
October Favorites
In October, we are smack dab in the middle of fall allergy season with all the dead leaves around. And while there are lots of things to do outdoors before it gets too cold. I myself enjoy curling up with a good book. Or making plans for the future.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Salt of the Earth
Last time I talked about salt and its practical uses. Now let's talk about its spiritual and magical associations and uses. Salt is literally from the earth. All kinds. The one we are most used to is sifted directly from water; the world's oceans and seas are full of salt. There are also tons of salt deposits from dried up seas. Basically the water evaporated long ago and left the salt behind.
Saltiness is one of the fundamental taste sensations every human being has. Rock salt is mined from underground. Salt is also naturally occurring in most meats and even in the human body. So as you can sea salt is a natural element to life on the planet earth. Naturally occurring salt crystals (sea salt, table salt, rock salt) come from the earth. Hence its association with the element of earth.
Many witches and other types of pagans use salt to represent the element of earth in their rites and rituals. Earth is seen as grounding, strength and stability. So you can use salt for rituals or magical intent you need one of the above. Such as for meditations, spirit walking, visions or divination. It is also good to help you focus on increasing your own strength and stability.

Lastly, Epsom salt, aka magnesium sulfate, is another salt often used. Particularly in baths. This salt is said to release aches and pains. Epsom salt is used for skin inflammations and small infections. It also is often used on the soil of plants that really like magnesium such as roses, tomatoes and peppers. Therefore this salt would be good to use in rites where your intent is to feed or grow something in your life like a good habit. And of course it makes a good addition to any ritual bath letting you detox and relax before focusing on your ritual or baths intent.
That's why I add it to all Scarlet Moon Creations bath soaks. So try some out and see what you think. All of these salts are fairly inexpensive and easy to get so why not use them in a ritual one day soon and tell me how it went.
Scarlet Moon Creations
Scarlet Moon Creations
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
D for Dandelions
Dandelions have many uses both therapeutically and spiritually. To keep a quick reference of its uses I made a journal page for myself. You can see that process and what's on the page here in this video.
After some requests and a little trial and error I have made a digital journal page for you all as well. This page includes therapeutic, culinary, medical, ritual and magical uses or attributes. The page is available in both Letter and A5 sizes.
If you'd like this free download, click the preview image below for access to the free SMC Resource Library, which has other free downloads. You'll also get exclusive updates for when new journal pages are ready for downloading. Plus so much more.
I hope you enjoy it all,
Scarlet Moon Creations
Scarlet Moon Creations
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Skin Benefits of Bath Salts
You'll have noticed that a large portion of the bath magic creations I offer are bath salts or bath soaks, which are the same thing by the way. This is partially because they are simple to make but also because putting salts in your baths have several good effects for you and your body.
• Sea salts soften water and add minerals. Dead sea salt included, which is well known for being rich in minerals.
• Epsom salts relieve aches and pains, is detoxifying and may restore magnesium.
• Table salt softens water.
• Baking soda relieves itching and irritation a
• Epsom salts relieve aches and pains, is detoxifying and may restore magnesium.
• Table salt softens water.
• Baking soda relieves itching and irritation a
Even outside of soaking in a salt water bath, using salt as an exfoliant is a no-brainer. Salt grains can help slough off dead skin cells. Coarse salt crystals work especially well on the thick dry skin of our elbows, feet and any other place you may have thick calluses.
However, salt of any kind can be drying to the skin. So mixing it with moisturizing oils, butters and plants can help prevent dry skin after your bath soak or scrub.
Check out some of the Bath Salts and Scrubs available in my shop below.
So, how do you like using salts in your bath?
Scarlet Moon Creations
Scarlet Moon Creations
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Coven life
What is a coven and why am I talking about this?
A coven is a group of witches, usually bound by oaths of secrecy, that practice the same type of witchcraft together. I mention it because I am a member of one. As a practicing witch, I have my own personal rituals and magic. But as a member of the coven, I also have rituals, magic and shared beliefs as well.
Together we are more powerful than we are as individuals.
What's so great about being in a coven? Watch this video to find out.
So, what do you think? Is coven life for you?
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
If you did not know, Scarlet Moon Creations is on Instagram (IG). Its been roughly 5 1/2 years now. At first, I was resistant to joining because I didn't want another personal social media account. Plus, it was image focused and I didn't see what pictures I would have to post.
Evening Routine
Right, so I'm back to talk about setting up an evening routine to complement your Miracle Morning routine. Why?
"Your first thought in the morning is usually the last thought you had before you went to bed." -Hal Elrod
I happen to agree with this.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Bath Magic
You've heard me talk about facets of bath magic in videos and know the Etsy shop Scarlet Moon Creations is mostly focused on that. But what is Bath Magic?
Saturday, November 3, 2018
I mentioned them briefly in my Miracle Morning post but this is to give you a bit more detail in how they can be used. Or you can watch the video I did on this topic below.
Friday, November 2, 2018
Miracle Morning
Hola everyone. Today I want to talk about the Miracle Morning. This is essentially a morning routine. Routines are formed by a series of habits. Now we all know habits can run the spectrum from good to bad or anywhere in between. But I've found that purposefully creating habits and routines that have an end goal can be beneficial.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
NaBloPoMo 2018
Hi guys,
This year in a bid to be more proactive about getting more customers and followers I decided to up my posts here and elsewhere. I've shared some of those ideas and initiatives. And now a new one is about to start.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Herbs and Oils for Samhain
Hola and welcome back to the latest installment of my Sabbat herbal series. This is part 6 of this series of Sabbat Herbs & Oils. You can check out part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5 at these links. Samhain, marks the last harvest and the end of the year for me. Because my birthday is on November 1st. It has many names such as Halloween, Calan Gaev, All Hallows Eve, Day of the Dead, etc. Its a time of reflection, preparation, divination, protection and spirit work. The veil between worlds is thin again. The last time was during Beltane. During the darker half of the year you can get more easily in touch with the Fae again. But also with the spirits of the dead. Divination is more powerful during this time of year as is journeying. Many do rituals out of respect for their ancestors who have passed. Others take stock of the past year and begin to plan for the winter and the rest of the new year beyond.
all hallows eve,
Bath and Body,
essential oils,
flying ointment,
herbal grimoire,
last harvest,
spiritual self care
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Saturday, October 6, 2018
August Favorites
August was a slow yet mentally draining month for me. But these three things kept me going, gave me down time and helped me hope for my own future. I know that sounds dramatic and unlike my usual intros but it is what it is.
anita blake,
color mage oracle,
color therapy,
laurell k. hamilton,
love yourself,
self care,
self development,
urban fantasy
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Herbs and Oils of Autumn Equinox
Hail and welcome back to the latest installment of my Sabbat herbal series. This is part 5 of this series of Sabbat Herbs & Oils. You can check out part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 at these links. Now it is the Autumn Equinox, so we are smack dab in the middle of the harvest season. Various holidays have been celebrated for centuries during this time of year when the days and nights are equal. Mabon, Alban Elfed, and more. From hear on out the nights will be longer than the days and the cold more than the warmth. Plant life slowly begins to die or go into hibernation while the mammal wildlife also harvests. We harvest in preparation of winter. So that we can get those things that would not be available otherwise. In this first world country survival during winter is not as much of a worry so the focus is more on harvesting things other than food. We are looking fr balance, prosperity, joy and protection in the coming fall and winter.
alban elfed,
autumn equinox,
essential oils,
john barleycorn,
johnny appleseed,
wheel of the year,
Friday, August 17, 2018
Herbs and Oils for Lughnasadh
Hail and welcome back to the latest installment of my Sabbat herbal series. This is part 4 of this series of Sabbat Herbs & Oils. You can check out part 1, part 2 and part 3 at those links. It is now the beginning of the harvest season. The traditional first harvest happens during the time of year in the northern hemisphere. Lughnasadh, as I call it, is one of the four Celtic Fire festivals. It corresponds with Lammas, Calan Awst and many other holidays or festivals celebrated during this time of year. This time of year, this season is all about love, abundance, luck, strength, protection and kitchen magic.
calan awst,
first harvest,
herbal grimoire,
kitchen witch,
Thursday, August 16, 2018
July Favorites
Summer was in full force in July. So all my self care faves were revolving around water, cooling off and positivity.
If you are new, every month I share my favorite things, people and businesses from around the web and in life. Everything from blogs and candles to tarot decks and YouTubers. They all deserve some love because of the quality they offer. So sit back and joy. Links are all included so you can check them out for yourself. Watch the video below to see why I think they are all awesome.
Brush Lettering
David's Tea
Zestfully Green | Moroccan Mint (not currently available)
Tea Tree Oil
Brother Nature
Lin Manuel-Miranda
Forbes Quotes
Thanks so much for reading and watching as always. Unfortunately, the Body wash, washi tape and Moroccan Mint tea are all no longer available from their respective companies. So no links included above. But you can check your local reseller like TJ Maxx and Marshall's to see if they have any overstock. I hope you enjoyed this month's favorites. See you next month.
Scarlet Moon Creations
Thanks so much for reading and watching as always. Unfortunately, the Body wash, washi tape and Moroccan Mint tea are all no longer available from their respective companies. So no links included above. But you can check your local reseller like TJ Maxx and Marshall's to see if they have any overstock. I hope you enjoyed this month's favorites. See you next month.
Scarlet Moon Creations
brother nature,
brush lettering,
bullet journal,
hand lettering,
iced tea,
july favor,
lin-manuel miranda,
morning motivation,
self care,
tea tree oil,
washi tape
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
June Favorites
June was a low month for me but filled with amazingly, restorative moments. So check out my fave forms of self care last month.
Friday, July 6, 2018
I have officially been an active youtuber for 1 year now. I knew I wanted to write a blog post about this topic but wasn't sure when and then I looked at the date and voila! So I'll talk about my journey with youtube so far and what my goal is. I'm also thinking about having a contest. Something I have never done before.
Wow, so I really can't believe its been 1 whole year since I jumped in with two feet. Maybe I should be making a video about this, lol. Maybe I will but I wanted to talk about this in case those who follow my blog are unaware of Scarlet Moon Creations on Youtube.
About 2 years ago I started watching more youtube videos. I am more of a reader than a watcher so up until then my youtube activities were restricted to the occasional music video and following a few friends who made videos. I got into watching kpop reactions videos, some tv show recaps and tarot readers channels. That expanded over the next 6 months to all sorts of pagan videos and journal making videos like plan with me's and handlettering how to's and even some booktubers. Then I came across this challenge called One Book July. At the time I was deep into making junk journals and using my brand new bullet journal in a traveler's notebook system. However, I found out that One Book July is a youtube challenge. Earlier in the year, I randomly had bought a selfie stick / tripod and had been toying with showing journal flip throughs.
So I jumped into making videos for One Book July (OBJ) with the focus on Go Big or Go Home where I used my various journals daily and filmed weekly updates for OBJ. That was a huge undertaking as I hadn't filmed anything by myself before and my experience before that was 10 years ago in one college course. But I made it through and wanted to continue these journal related videos so I started doing monthly Plan With Me videos. This January, I joined another youtube challenge called 31 Days of Tarot, and filmed, edited and uploaded videos for every day in January. I had been wanting to expand my video offerings and this was the perfect segue as I was also starting to offer card readings in my Etsy shop.
In February, I came across yet another youtube challenge called the Youtube Pagans challenge. My aim was to add more videos directly connected to Scarlet Moon Creations. So spiritual and pagan related topics as well as my knowledge of self care and herbalism. This channel serves as a cross between a video grimoire of sorts and a promotional tool for my products and services both free and paid. All highlighting Sacred Self Care which is the foundation of Scarlet Moon Creations.
With that in mind you may be wondering why so much focus on journaling. Well, since day 1, offering handmade books has been a goal of mine. I've blogged about it several times as far back as this Bookmaking post. I have learned a lot more about bookmaking since then and plan to start offering handmade books for journaling and planning purposes this year. FINALLY. I know I've said it before but this year I have been making books that I will start putting up for sale soon. So look forward to those.
You've already seen some of the journal inserts I've made for myself and how I use them is you follow my on Instagram. I joined the 100 Day Project again this year with the focus being on journaling. If you haven't look up #100daysof SMCjournaling. I also show more in depth usage on my youtube channel in my plan with me video series. Coming soon you will see even more as I am joining in on One Book July this year again.
Also, coming up on my channel are more pagan videos. Honey, Intuition and Journaling are just a few of the videos coming soon. I also plan to do a giveaway for my 1 year anniversary. So subscribe to get the notification when those videos goes up.
Thanks so much for 1 year on youtube to all of my subscribers there.
Scarlet Moon Creations
100 day project,
bullet journal,
business blog,
one book july,
plan with me,
self care,
traveler's notebook,
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Friday, June 22, 2018
Herbs and Oils for the Summer Solstice
Welcome back to the latest installment of my Sabbat herbal series. This is part 3 of this series of Sabbat Herbs & Oils. You can check out part 1 and part 2 at these links. This time we are focusing on the Summer Solstice. Also called Litha, or even Midsummer by some, this time of year is all about celebrating the Sun, empowerment, healing and revitalizing, growing, sweetness, marriage, and faeires.
Monday, June 4, 2018
15 Types of Journaling
As promised in my blog post regarding Journaling for Self Care, here is a list of various types of journaling that you can do.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
April Favorites
april favorites,
astrology podcast,
bath magic,
bath salts,
bath soak,
botanical gardens,
moon magick,
moon phases,
self care,
Monday, May 21, 2018
Saturday, May 12, 2018
My Self Care Practices
I want to share what I use for self care on a regular basis. Some of this is every day while other parts are for certain moments or situations as they come. I wanted to share overall how the pieces come together before delving into each in other posts. Which I will do.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Herbs and Oils for Beltane
Beltane is all about
life. Creating life; fertility among plants, animals and people; preserving
life with fire that purifies, and prosperity; attraction from flowers attracting bees to women
washing their faces with the morning dew to attract a mate; connection with
the handfastings and weddings that resemble the greenwood marriage; and the veil between
worlds being thin so you can connect with spirits such as fairies.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
What is Sacred Self Care
I knew I wanted to write about this topic for awhile. I considered making a video but I think the written word fits better as I organize my thoughts. This is something very important to me. A personal practice that I am building but also want to share with others.
At first glance, Scarlet Moon Creations, my shop in particular, may seem shallow or only about the indulgent types of self care. Skimming the surface of a very important topic and activity. And it is in a way. I think of my etsy shop as just the beginning. A gateway, if you will, to Sacred Self Care.
I knew I wanted to write about this topic for awhile. I considered making a video but I think the written word fits better as I organize my thoughts. This is something very important to me. A personal practice that I am building but also want to share with others.
At first glance, Scarlet Moon Creations, my shop in particular, may seem shallow or only about the indulgent types of self care. Skimming the surface of a very important topic and activity. And it is in a way. I think of my etsy shop as just the beginning. A gateway, if you will, to Sacred Self Care.
Friday, April 13, 2018
March Favorites
Spring is here and so are my March Favorites. this month is all about feeling good. What put me in a bright or empowering mood. All that renewing spring energy. That inspiring Pisces and Aries self care mindset. These are the people and things that were my favorites this month.
Every month I'll share my favorite things, people and businesses from around the web and in life. Everything from blogs and candles to tarot decks and YouTubers. They all deserve some love because of the quality they offer. So sit back and joy. Links are all included so you can check them out for yourself. Watch the video below to see why I think they are all awesome.
Haus of Hoodoo
Instagram | Website
Behati Life
Instagram | Website
The Hood Witch
Instagram | Website
Music (click the CC button for English subtitles if you like)
Spring Day - BTS
Starry Night - Mamamoo
Boss - NCT U
Go Go -NCT Dream
Daydream - J-Hope
Spring Day - BTS
Starry Night - Mamamoo
Boss - NCT U
Go Go -NCT Dream
Daydream - J-Hope
haus of hoodoo,
march favorites,
poc witch,
self care,
she means business,
the good witch's guide,
the hood witch,
Monday, April 9, 2018
Herbs and Oils for the Spring Equinox
Bath and Body,
bath magic,
book of shadows,
essential oils,
spell work.,
spring equinox,
Monday, March 26, 2018
Financial Self Care
This month is National Credit Education Month. Here in the U.S. March is also when business taxes are due. April being when personal income taxes are due as well. So I thought this was the perfect time to talk about financial health and education. They say there are only two things guaranteed in life, death and taxes. How depressing. But it doesn't have to be.
Friday, March 16, 2018
February Favorites
And we're back. Well I am. Back with Fabruary Faves. Every month I'll share my favorite things, people and businesses from around the web and in life. Everything from blogs and candles to tarot decks and YouTubers. They all deserve some love because of the quality they offer. So sit back and joy. Links are all included so you can check them out for yourself. Watch the video below to see why I think they are all awesome.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
5 Ways to do Card Readings for Self Care
Hi, I'm back with an idea I've been working with and on the past year or so. If you have favorited my Etsy shop you may have noticed that I added Card Readings as a new category. I've been reading tarot and oracle cards for about 11 years now. Its actually a little crazy to think about how much time I've been doing this. I learned back in 2006 and never looked back. In 2016, I decided to start reading cards professional to get experience enough in that area to offer card reading to clients and here we are today.
Friday, March 2, 2018
Monthly Bullet Journal Review Process
Hey all,
Its the end of the month and I thought instead of doing a Plan With Me post I would share something more helpful, my monthly review process. Reviewing the past is part of what helps us prepare for a better future. How did we get to where we are today and how can we change, replicate and improve yesterday for a better tomorrow? It helps to look back especially when I am feeling like a loser. Essentially, I feel like I accomplished nothing and all the negativity of my thoughts and feelings overwhelm me. I also review weekly and daily but those routines and rituals are not as lengthy as this one. If anyone is interested in seeing how I do those, comment and let me know. You can see the video down below.
bullet journal,
business blog,
business planning,
mental health,
monthly review,
self care,
small business
31 Days of Tarot
Hey guys.
so I did this. This past January I participated in Ethony Dawn's 31 Days of Tarot challenge on Youtube and Instagram. Mainly on Youtube though.
31 Days of Tarot consisted of 31 prompt questions for us to follow. As a tarot
and oracle reader I was excited to participate. It was a lot of hard work
including the technical aspect of putting out 31 videos daily. But I
persevered and it resulted in new reading clients, new friends and followers
on YouTube and IG, a newfound confidence and of course new video editing
31 days of tarot,
higher self,
oracle reader,
self care,
tarot community,
tarot journal,
tarot reader,
Thursday, March 1, 2018
January Favorites
So I got this idea from YouTube. It is the idea of sharing your favorite things from the previous month. While I thought about waiting until March to start I did found so many new favorites in January I couldn't not mention them so here they are.
Monday, February 19, 2018
A Change is Coming
I've actually had a few blog posts sitting here because my thoughts about Scarlet Moon Creations and this blog in particular were going through a metamorphosis.
31 days of tarot,
affiliate income,
business blog,
one book july,
sacred self care,
scarlet moon creations,
self care,
spiritual business,
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