Hail and welcome back to the latest installment of my Sabbat herbal series. This is part 4 of this series of Sabbat Herbs & Oils. You can check out part 1, part 2 and part 3 at those links. It is now the beginning of the harvest season. The traditional first harvest happens during the time of year in the northern hemisphere. Lughnasadh, as I call it, is one of the four Celtic Fire festivals. It corresponds with Lammas, Calan Awst and many other holidays or festivals celebrated during this time of year. This time of year, this season is all about love, abundance, luck, strength, protection and kitchen magic.
With that all in mind I thought I'd share some of the many plants and oils associated with this season. You can use them in your rituals as altar decor, incense, oils, or in your ritual bath as a bath oil, bath bomb or bath salts. You can make a potpourri or room spray with one or some of these ingredients. Anyway, you feel pulled to celebrate the season. Just be sure to read any and all label warnings.
Blackberries are now starting to grow ripe during this time of year. The berries are full of tannins and vitamin C that help boost the immune system and heal wounds. The leaves contain the same and are often made into teas fo sore throats, colds, the flu, and diarrhea. Chewing fresh leaves can also relieve inflamed gums and canker sores in the mouth. A decoction of the leaves has long been used for inflamed or scalded skin. Some invoked the Celtic Goddess Brigid by chanting a rhyme while laying the leaves on a wound. So, its no wonder Blackberries are great for healing and protection. But they are also used for in spells for money and wealth. The thorny branches in particular can be made into a wreath to protect your home or a sacred space and bring in prosperity. The berries are often cooked into pies this time of year to bring in a prosperous harvest which can use as offerings. And of course the dried berries are often added to potpourri and placed around the home.
Corn, or Maize, is a well known grain around the world with many magical properties and uses. It is a symbol of life, fertility, the earth, and the sun. Corn comes in various colors each which have various different associations depending on your traditions. Corn husks can be used to make sachets. In the Americas, corn kernels can be used as divination tool depending on the amount or how they are scattered. You can scatter kernels or cornmeal around your ritual space for protection or to enhance spiritual goals. Use cornmeal as an offering. Place an ear of corn in a cradle to protect the baby. Hanging cornstalks can bring good luck and protect your household. You can always cook corn and eat it as part of any growth, fertility or prosperity workings. Bread is also a popular item to make this time of year so why not make some cornbread. And of course there is the famous corn dolly. Made out of corn husks to represent deity or yourself in a ritual. You can place it on your altar once it is dried or save it for another time of year.
Basil is a part of the mint family and associated with the planet Mars and the element of Fire. Though native to India it is most used in Italian cooking so it is considered an Italian herb. It both enhances foods flavoring but also helps with digestion which makes it perfect for kitchen magic. Basil Oil is both sedating and stimulating so when heated in an aromatherapy lamp it helps lighten the mood and relax the mind. Basil is associated with love in various ways. Love foods such as pesto sauce contain basil. Sprinkle powdered Basil to attract and keep love. Basil is also good for protection and wealth magic. Carry fresh sprigs of basil in your pocket or wallet to bring wealth. Keep some in your place of business or with a symbol of your business, such as a business card, if you are online only to attract paying customers and success. Use basil in your ritual bath to protect and purify yourself. Or in your incense to protect your sacred space or as part of any prosperity rituals. Fresh basil plants make great housewarming gifts since they bring protection and prosperity to the home.
Sunflowers are such happy flowers and look a lot like the sun in the sky hence their name. They are associated with both as well as the element of fire. Sunflowers are considered good luck and sunflower seeds eaten can bring prosperity. Where them as crowns in your hair to represent solar deities. Women wishing to conceive have eaten sunflower seeds in hopes their wish will come true. However you can roast them then imbue them with any magical intent connected with the sun and then eat them either plain or in a salad or smoothie of your choice. Decorate your home or altar with sunflowers to bring in positive sun energy.

So I hope you enjoy this latest installment of my Sabbat Herbs and Oils posts. As always, you can use these ingredients in many ways beyond the few I have given here as examples. And you don't have to wait for that one day of year to do so. I see the Sabbats more like seasons than individual holy days.
As always with any of these and other items new to you, test them carefully before going all in especially if you have sensitive skin. Do a spot test on your skin before fully submerging into a bath. Sniff a bit of the item before purchase to make sure you are not allergic or sensitive to it. Read all label warnings because some items are not for women who are pregnant or nursing, or others on certain medications. Safety first always.
Let me know if you found other ways to use these herbs and oils that I have not mentioned as I am always looking to learn. Whatever you do I hope you enjoy the first harvest. I will see you during the Autumn Equinox. If you would like to try any of my Lughnasadh products you can find them in the link below.
Scarlet Moon Creations
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