Hail and welcome back to the latest installment of my Sabbat herbal series. This is part 5 of this series of Sabbat Herbs & Oils. You can check out part 1, part 2,
part 3 and part 4 at these links. Now it is the Autumn Equinox, so we are smack dab in the middle of the harvest season. Various holidays have been celebrated for centuries during this time of year when the days and nights are equal. Mabon, Alban Elfed, and more. From hear on out the nights will be longer than the days and the cold more than the warmth. Plant life slowly begins to die or go into hibernation while the mammal wildlife also harvests. We harvest in preparation of winter. So that we can get those things that would not be available otherwise. In this first world country survival during winter is not as much of a worry so the focus is more on harvesting things other than food. We are looking fr balance, prosperity, joy and protection in the coming fall and winter.
With that all in mind I thought I'd share some of the many plants and oils associated with this season. You can use them in your rituals as altar decor, incense, oils, or in your ritual bath as a bath oil, bath bomb or bath salts. You can make a potpourri or room spray with one or some of these ingredients. Anyway, you feel pulled to celebrate the season. Just be sure to read any and all label warnings.
Fall Body Powder |
Barley is a cereal grain crop harvested during this time of year in some parts of the world. It is used to make breakfast cereals, beer, whiskey, other alcoholic drinks as well as breads and other things. It is also used as fodder for livestock. You may have heard of John Barleycorn from English folklore. His story is one of being sacrificed or killed to make beer or whiskey, as he symbolizes the barley crop and its planting, growth and harvesting. So having some beer or whiskey on your altar as an offering or during ritual libation would be appropriate for this time of year. Also, any other food item containing barley would be good as well. Cereal comes from the word Ceres, the goddess of agriculture and harvesting so you may honor her as well if that is your path. Barley is associated with the planet Venus and love. It is said to stimulate the heart chakra and protect against negative feelings and ease emotional burdens. Carrying it near the heart can attract love as well. Barley has also been used for protection. Sprinkled on the floor to protect the home against negativity and bugs.
Mabon Ritual Oil |
Apples we all know. An apple a day keeps the doctor away goes the Welsh saying. Apples are full of symbolism and magic. If you cut one in half you get a five pointed star. They are often seen as sacred fruits for one reason or another. Apples are symbolic of the dead, crossing the veil and second sight. So they make great offerings and altar decor. They can also be used for protection and healing. Apple blossoms in particular are used in incense mixtures for the previous reasons. They also symbolize love. Dried branches and slices make fragrant wreathes and potpourri and you can also use the seeds and apple blossoms in love spells. Lastly, apples can represent immortality or survival. The american folk hero, Johnny Appleseed is based on a real person. The story says that Johnny Appleseed left home with a pot on his head, the clothes on his back and a bag of apple seeds only. He spread the apple seeds all over the west so that they would grow into apple trees and no one would go hungry.
Apple Cinnamon Body Scrub |
Grapes are harvested this time of year for wine. They represent prosperity and joy. Hang grape leaves in your kitchen to bring prosperity into the homes inhabitants. Use grapes on your altar for prosperous rituals. Wine is often used in ritual as an offering. Make a wreath using grape vines to hang on your front door. Use grapes in money spells or rituals. Grapes are also great for smaller workings like wishes. You can also write your wishes onto grape leaves.
Moon Bath |
Marjoram is associated with Mercury and the element of air. It has a variety of properties and uses such as love, protection, happiness, grief and depression. As the nights grow longer and colder, many fall into seasonal depression. Marjoram oil is known to help lift the spirits by providing emotional balance. Even for grief or deeper depression and anxiety. To the Greeks weaving marjoram into wedding wreaths promised joy to not only the wedding day but the union itself. Marjoram was also said to bring happiness to the grieving by showing a loved one was happy in their afterlife. You can use by wearing it in a sachet if you are grieving. To represent the balance of the equinox on your altar or around your home. Use the oil in an oil diffuser when you feel the need for balance in your life as well.
Virgo Bath Soak |
Honeysuckle is a popular sweet flower that are great for attraction magic. Meaning, if you want to bring soothing into your life, or attract it, honeysuckle is the plant to use. The flowers in particular are associated with the planet Jupiter, which has expanding and attracting properties itself. Honeysuckles flowers are almost irresistible to humming birds but also many others including bees and humans. So you can use them to attract money, prosperity or love for example. However the vines are deadly if ingested. So there is a duality there as well. Vines can be used for protection.
So I hope you enjoy this latest installment of my Sabbat Herbs and Oils posts. You can use these ingredients in many ways beyond the few I have given here as examples. And you don't have to wait for that one day of year to do so. The Sabbats represent a season rather than just one day.
As always with any of these and other items new to you, test them carefully before going all in especially if you have sensitive skin. Do a spot test on your skin before fully submerging into a bath. Sniff a bit of the item before purchase to make sure you are not allergic or sensitive to it. Read all label warnings because some items are not for women who are pregnant or nursing, or others on certain medications. Safety first always.
Let me know if you found other ways to use these plants and oils that I have not mentioned as I am always looking to learn. Whatever you do I hope you enjoy the first harvest. I will see you during the Samhain. If you would like to try any of my Autumn Equinox products you can find them in the link below.
Scarlet Moon Creations
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