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A personal look at the trails and triumphs of creating. Creating a business, creating a Sacred Self Care practice and creating your authentic self.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Business Consultant

Three weeks ago I met with my business consultant for the first time. She's a friend who has been doing this kind of thing for years, Recently she has started her own consulting business and she took me on as a client. It was our first meeting even though we had been talking about it for awhile. This means I had figured out a few things on my own in the mean time. But my questions for now were how to start off getting clients.

I should say first that she is helping me mainly with starting my event planning business, with the Etsy shop as a bit of a tangent. But here is my homework that is to be done by today, our next meeting:
1) Make an extensive list of anyone you'd contact for work, referrals, references, or people who'd test your product, or coordinate with you on events. Group them into 'types'.
2) Write a little paragraph about what you'd say to each 'type' of person.
3) In the 2nd week, make 3 outreaches - a call or email - to different 'types' of people.
4) Think about the synergies between your past experience (event planning, Wicca/paganism, all past work experience) - your current experiences (scarletmooncreations site, working with Howard, telemarketing, current circle of friends & acquaintances and how they are evolving) -and future experiences (what kind of events do you want to be planning a year from now?)

Other ideas we talked about:
1) Working to create something that you're really excited about talking to people about rather than 'selling' your services.
2) Thinking about writing an events column (for Reny/Stacey's site.. other sites..) as a means of getting your event creativity going.
3) 'Bridge products' like sabbat/esbat packages: a mini-event-planning-ritual, associated oils, candles, etc.

I fell a bit behind during the first week but I'm mostly on track now. More details about my ideas, plans, etc, later.


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